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With over 60 years of experience,

RMPDS partners with you throughout your drug or product’s lifecycle

  • 24/7/365 Contact Center Services
  • Innovative Research
  • Risk and Liability Protection
  • Regulatory Compliance
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What Are You Interested in Learning More About?


Reducing Consumer Products Companies Risk & Liability

RMPDS assists consumer & household products companies in reducing their risk and liability. We collect product information as well as manage product exposures. This provides valuable data on formulation, toxicity, package labeling, package design and consumer usage that can be acted upon and leads to safer products over time. We also transmit this information within 24 hours so you know of a product issue before you hear about it in the media, or worse, from a legal action. RMPDS becomes your partner in product stewardship and lifecycle.  


Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

RMPDS’s Quality Assurance department works closely with all clients to develop the necessary documentation to ensure regulatory compliance. We will help you write Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and other documentation to ensure that we are compliant with all pertinent regulations − FDA, EPA or other. We work hard to assure alignment and smooth integration of all of our Quality System documentation. 


Employment at RMPDS

RMPDS has been serving the public and private sectors for over 60 years. Our reputation in toxicology research and drug & consumer product safety is world-renowned, and we’re always looking for new talent to join our team and make a difference. Our reputation for excellence starts and ends with our employees. We are all passionately dedicated to healthcare, science and the public well-being. Give us a call to discuss opportunities that await you. 


RMPDS has been in operation for over 60 years and our clients benefit from our experience.

RMPDS has proven expertise in the provision of high-quality medical information and safety event (adverse event, product quality complaint) reporting services. Our organization also provides various data analyses, contracted research, and regulatory compliance services to pharmaceutical and medical device industries. Our track record of quality and compliance is clear.

Our Medical Toxicology Fellowship program has been training physicians since 1976.

RMPDS has trained over 70 medical and clinical toxicologists since launching the first Medical Toxicology fellowship program in 1976. We have several programs in which we train medical and clinical toxicologists, from the United States and abroad. We also accept students and clinicians for rotations in Toxicology.